Burnout is a big problem in the healthcare industry. But also sometimes, you just feel stuck. The job is the same old same old. You are secretly bored, but also highly efficient because you’ve been in this role for some time. If this sounds like you, it’s time for a career jumpstart. If you’re trying to kickstart a great professional year, this blog is for you. We have tips to help you take more initiative at work & advance your healthcare career.

5 Tips for Advancing Your Healthcare Career


Take stock of yourself.

A self-assessment is a great way to determine your feelings about your current role. We want you to take a candid, clear-eyed look at yourself within the context of the job and your life. Have you taken on more work since COVID hit? Do you feel you’re missing key educational credentials to move up the ladder? Do you even like the work you’re doing? Take time right now to figure out if you’re satisfied with the work you’re doing.

Find your mission again.

Through the process of self-assessment, we hope you will find your mission again. What is it that motivated you to do this work? What is the spark that keeps you going? Helping people is almost always a motivator and mission for healthcare teams. But most healthcare careers last for decades, and your mission may change during that time. Right now, your mission may be to learn enough skills so you can achieve promotion. Or, maybe you’d like to move from direct patient care to the back office. Either way, figuring out your mission will help you keep moving forward in your career.

Learn to lead.

Advancing your career requires that you stand out from your peers. To do this, you must become a leader of teams. Take the initiative and step up. Consider what projects you could take on to illustrate your leadership potential. Is there training you need to help you step outside your comfort zone and lead other healthcare workers? If you can take on new tasks or initiatives, it will help you stand out and advance your career. It will also challenge you in new ways.

Leverage your network.

If you’re thinking about the next step in your career or want to give yourself a career boost, we have to ask: When was the last time you used that extensive network you’ve been building all these years? Consider making it your mission to talk with other professionals to find out what they’re doing and where they’re working. Have some crucial conversations with other professionals to find out what’s out there in the job market.

Rethink the employment contract.

Begin to think about your career from the perspective of it being a contract between you and the employer. Begin to think in terms of what you can bring to the relationship and what you want from the employer in return. It’s an interesting idea when you consider that today’s healthcare employers will pay top dollar for your skills. This puts you in the driver’s seat if you add value to the organization. Ultimately, what this means is that you have more power than ever before. Consider this reality as you push to move your career to the next level.


If you’re looking for a new position that’s a step up from your current one, start searching with AG Globe Services today! We can help give you the jump-start your career needs to take the next step up the ladder. Contact our team to learn more today! 

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